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Hey I've been a fan since I played QF1 and I'm just checking see if there is any updates or release times

Thanks and keep doing amazing stuff 


Hiya there!

Thank you for supporting the game for so long--that really means a lot to me! I can only apologise that Chapter Two isn't out quite yet, as I maybe dreamed just a little too big, haha. ;~; Rest assured that things are trucking along, and I'm due to release an update to the alpha build that covers almost all of the main scenario stuff, with just some side events to go.

I think a light is slowly becoming visible at the end of this long, long, LOOOOONG tunnel!

I had to drop the Patreon a year or so ago due to financial issues, but I'm still looking forward to this release! Between this and Monster Girl Dreams I'm happy to see the genre alive and well, and moving away from its creepier manifestations.

Hiya there,

Thank you so much for your continued support! I hope you'll enjoy the full game when it's ready and all the monster girl goodness it'll provide~


Hi, still looking forward to it.

One thought I had. I previously commented about how most of the characters are large-breasted "milf" types. Is there any chance of getting some loli thrown in, like the three girls in the cave or the harpy little sister from Monster Girl Quest?

Hiya there!

There's at least a couple of characters I can think of that have smaller chests in Chapter Two--in comparison to some of the far more buxom ones at least, haha--though nothing that veers too much towards loli-esque territory, apologies! I've typically made the game around my own personal preferences, so that sort of thing wouldn't be a consideration.

(1 edit) (+2)

Pedophilia is already too rampant in the monster girl genre, don't try to infect the few games that are free of it please. Kenkou Cross may consist of creeps but not everyone who loves monster girls is one


Heya! I'm not going to delete this comment out of the blue, as I don't want to be seen as censoring peoples thoughts--but please keep things civil in the comments section and refrain from attacking other people.

We're all friends here~ And the last thing I want to see is arguments erupting in the comments and such.

Thank you!

Deleted 3 years ago


Thank you so much for your kind words. <3 I really do hope you'll enjoy the second chapter just as much, if not more so once it's complete!


Sup frosty, just sayin hey. Happy spooky season ^_^


Ah, hey there! Thank you! And a happy spooky season to you, too~!

Just wanna say I think your games are awesome! Loved QF1, really enjoyed the writing and the art style is amazing too, can really tell a lot of time and effort goes into creation! The characters are gorgeous, and it's kinda nice to not have the same old macho MC that a thousand other games have. Looking forward to the next update :)

Heya, thank you for your kind words! I'm happy to hear I created something you enjoy so much--and I hope Chapter Two will meet your expectations! I've certainly been putting my all into it over these years, and hope it'll be a memorable experience that matches Chapter One, if not surpasses it!

Is a release this year even a possibility? Not meaning to rush you or anything. It would just be nice to have more detailed progress updates.



Apologies if you feel you've been kept in the dark! I have been making near weekly progress updates on Patreon since Chapter Two's development began, teasing all the characters and scenes and such, but I understand not everyone is keen on Patreon--so my twitter is also a good way to get insight into how everything is coming along!

At this point I'm prepped to release quite a large alpha update soon that will almost complete the main story--and after that, it'll be finishing lots of side events and such. I'm hesitant to give an exact date because those always backfire on me, but I'm really happy with how everything is coming along!

Hi Frostworks,

I used to be a level 2 patreon supporter but had to cancel for financial reasons, been following the development of your games for a long time. I just wanna say that I appreciate what you do and the high level of quality! Even your choice of voice actors is quite good in my opinion. I look forward to what is yet to come and have no doubt that you will keep up the high quality.

Heya, thank you so much for your support and kind words--they really mean a lot to me. <3

While I know it's been a bit of a bumpy ride through Chapter 2's conception, I definitely strive to do my best to ensure it's enjoyable as it can be, so I'm glad that shines through, and I really hope you'll enjoy the end product, too!

No need to rush or anything. But it's been three months since I asked. Any ballpark for the release?


Heya, still powering along! I'm at quite a crucial scene now--and I'm excited with progress, but still have a few h-scenes to tackle after, too!

Apologies I can't give any solid estimate, but right now I'm just taking things a bit at a time to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Alright, thanks for satisfying my curiosity. 

Is there gonna be a character arc sometime in this series where Matthew isn't so, you know...useless? Or is just gonna be depressing to the end? It'd be fine if nothing changes; just wondering how things are gonna play out.

I'd like to think he certainly grows as a character as time goes on--but he'll never become mega powerful, or that won't lend very well to the overall femdom theme I tend to stick with in QF!

Agreed. It'd be kind of weird if he was suddenly ovepowered.


Can't wait for the full release! Do you have any clue as to when it'll be finished?


Heya! I'm powering through each day as I continue to tackle the script, so things are steadily coming together! I don't want to commit to any specific time-frame to avoid disappointment, but I'll definitely let people know when I think I'll have a definite date closer to the time!



Android please!

hiya frosty, I'm so sorry, but I am unfortunately having to pull my funding from you guys. I'm SO sorry, it is not you guys, but I'm boycotting patreon at the moment, is there somewhere, anywhere else I can support you guys?


No worries--I completely understand and appreciate the heads up! You don't have to apologise!

At the moment I have no other way for people to potentially support me, beyond direct purchases of the games, as I always worry about stretching myself too thin across too many platforms.

I understand, I still feel bad though... But thank you for understanding.

p.s. has anyone ever told you that your setting, premise, and characters would make a fantastic rpg? I would love to make a pixel based one off cross over of this and monster girl dreams by threshold as a party builder dungeon crawler. I think that would be amazing!

Ahh, I've actually thought that a lot, and even experimented with a couple of things in RPG Maker with little pixel based versions of characters--but it's quite a daunting task and would take too much time away from the VNs, so I had to just leave them as fun little what-ifs, haha.


Holy crap, that looks so good! But yeah, as you said, you got enough on your plat right now. But who knows in the years to come? Maybe you'll re-release these games re-imagined as classic rpg's later.


Any updates about Quest Failed - Chapter Two ?? really enjoyed the first one :( and would love to dive in the secont part too :o 


Hiya, still trucking along in development with tons of scenes completed! Definitely one of the more ambitious things I've tackled, haha. Thank you so much for your patience and support!

I love your work FrostWorks! Looking forward to the game when it releases. You are awesome! Stay safe and keep well. Crazy times right now with the pandemic. ~hugs

(1 edit)

Hey, Frost.

You say that you give pre-access of certain things (like pictures, test..) for those who become patreon.

I want to help on your works. I'm waiting Chapter 2 since a year now (don't worry, take your time :p ) and so I want to encourage your works with a patreon. Plus, i'm really happy than you still continue the dev and not despair because of time or whatever !

But, please... if I become a patreon.. can you just send me nothing ? I just don't want to be spoil on anything ^^'

I jJust want to help you as more as i can and discover the surprise one day :) (I just hope that Jilly will always stay with Matt !)



Hiya there!

If you wish to support me without receiving the usual benefits as to avoid spoiling the full experience--that's totally fine and understandable! Though, since I send out rewards and posts to everyone on Patreon at once--admittedly it might be more difficult to just filter you out of those if you chose to pledge. To avoid spoilers, I would suggest to make sure your email settings on Patreon were set not to alert you on new posts--or to be wary of opening the posts if you did so.

Hey Frost, huge fan of this series. Question about version-- is this demo the most recent thing? Or is there something with more content if I become a Patron? So sorry if that's in an FAQ somewhere, I am totally new to this.

A total side note: is there any way to just go ahead and like, buy the game for $20 or whatever you're thinking it will cost, and then get updates along the way? I realize that's probably not a possibility since the current system of being a Patron probably nets you way more cash but I genuinely wanted to make sure I was thinking about that correctly and there wasn't some way to buy it in an "early access" kind of way.

Hiya there, thank you so much for your kind words!

The demo featured on is just a small offering of what the current alpha build on Patreon offers--though admittedly the alpha build is far rougher in presentation, and some scenes may not have voice acting just yet as I forge ahead with things and continue to finish up the h-scenes and story segments.

At present--there only way to get alpha builds is to be a monthly subscribe to the tier, yeah. Where you get the most recent build for the month you're on after processing, as an on-going thing, with it usually taking a couple of months for a new build to be uploaded due to the immense work that goes behind each one. Which I understand isn't an ideal thing for people that may just wish to pay a one-time thing for access. But I do it in this way as a way of ensuring that only those that are serious about supporting things and wanting to help test/improve the game as it moves along go to the tier--rather than those that perhaps are just looking to play Chapter Two early. As I feel that in its current state it doesn't represent what I want people to experience for their first, full playthrough and would rather that people play it in its finished state if possible. But if people really want to support me to such a degree, then I'm happy to let them test the builds as a means of thanking them. If that makes sense : P

Hopefully I haven't rambled too much, haha, but essentially, I don't want Chapter Two to be considered like other adult games where people play incremental builds that come out rapidly--and want it to be a fully-fledged commercial experience that people can play with all of the content ready to go. And that the alpha builds are just there as a bonus for supporters, rather than being the intended way to play it.

So if you want a fully polished experience right from the get-go, I would say to wait for the full release!

Dude I am so sorry that it took me 122 days to reply to this, I am the absolute worst. I completely forgot and just haven't been on in a long time. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me, I totally understand what you mean-- and you weren't rambling at all! I'm glad to know for sure that the subscription method is the best way to support you and others who are making this kind of content. 

By the way, the writing, voice acting, artwork, and even pacing are just fantastic by the way. I've recently gotten in to wanting to craft experiences for people via video games and I know how much it can mean to get not just generic praise but also specific feedback. I sincerely wish the best for you and everyone else working on this.

All good, haha. I completely understand! Life has a tendency to do that sometimes.

Thanks again for your very kind words! A lot of love has definitely went into QF over the years--and even though I haven't been able to get everything exactly the way I wanted it, I'm still incredibly proud of what I've achieved so far! While 2020 was rough in general, hopefully it won't be tooOOOOOoooo much longer before everything comes together!

Deleted 4 years ago

Heya! Apologies. At the current moment in time all I can do is refer you back to my previous reply regarding ETAs!

(1 edit)

I freaking love you Frostworks, your game is the best h-game i've ever played and it's leagues above most non h-games i've played. I just wanted to show some appreciation for all the hard you're putting into the game and tell you that i can't wait til it's done. I legit made an account just to write this. Much love man <3


Ahhh, thank you very much! I really appreciate your kind words and support~ It motivates me to do the best I can, and hopefully deliver an awesome experience for everyone who's been so supportive and patient with me. I very much hope that the complete version of Chapter Two will meet your expectations~!

Any kind of guess into how much longer it will be until release?

Hiya there!

Still difficult to say just yet. Apologies that I can't give a more concrete answer at this moment in time, but due to the non-linear way I've been approaching the writing and tackle various scenes out of order, it gets pretty difficult to tell how much is left--and how far along things are. But I'm pretty happy with how things are, at the very least!


Hey! Really excited for the game! Do you have an estimation of how much it will cost yet?


Hello! Happy to hear it~

Not set price as of yet, but I'm thinking between $15 - $20 (probably on the higher side of the range) due to the sheer amount of content it has compared to Chapter One!

Heya! I look forward to the release of the sec. chapter! I really need to ask this now, netherless. Will there be mor foot play in the game? Maybe even with my fav. dragon girl? ^^


There’s definitely a couple of new foot related scenes to look forward to for sure!

One with more normal feet and then another of the...fluffier variety, : P

So Frostworks. I have been waiting for this game for years. I joined your patreon at the 25 dollar rank a long time ago hoping to play an updated demo and then that demo got cancelled. Is there anything new for this other than art? A release date? A demo with more content than it had when it was released over a year ago? Anything? I understand that you've been working hard and I know that the game will be great but I just need something to let me know this isn't going to get cancelled leaving all of my time and money wasted.

Hiya there! Apologies for any confusion or upset on anything regarding new content builds. While it's true I ultimately cancelled the public early access plans I had at the end of 2019--as I realised that putting the game out in its current state to the public was going to sour the first time experience and not give the impression I'd hope for--I've still been releasing new alpha builds for people on the $25 tier on a frequent basis. That part never changed. Just the plans to release it to the public on a wider scale until it was done.

I released a new alpha build as of April (0.10), for example, which contained a significant addition to the main scenario, along with new h-scenes and voiced scenes. And it features far more content than the current demo on

I've spent thousands of dollars developing this second chapter--and hundreds of hours writing it--I'm certainly invested in finishing it. Abandoning it at this point would be unthinkable. While I understand I've been slower than I--or most people--would have liked, I'm still inching closer to the finish line every day.

I understand I took on a massive undertaking here, and aimed quite high in regards to scope, and truly apologise for how long Chapter Two is taking to be completed, not a day goes by where I don't fret about how long it's taken me. It frustrates me just as much as everyone else, if not moreso. I've learned many lessons here that I'll be taking to heart with Chapter Three as I plan it in a far more realistic way.

I can't give a solid release date yet, as I'd only end up disappointing people if it didn't come to be, and I can't offer additional free demos (as I feel the one linked here was more than generous with its content)--but all I can say is that this project is pretty much my life right now. And there's no chance of it ever being dropped. It might take a while to come out, yes--and I truly am sorry for the wait--but it'll be completed! I can only hope all of the content in it will make up for the lengthy development time and feel like several games at once, since it's certainly much larger than Chapter One.

Thank you for your support over the years and I hope Chapter Two will meet your expectations!

You've done your job.

There's still more to come.

Until then, we'll wait.

Thank you!

Hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer!

I must say i'm really looking forward to chapter 2! of course, take your time. Game creation can be very stressful, but keep up the great work! (love the character designs too, as cute as they are lewd!)

Ahh, thank you very much! I'll do my best to ensure that Chapter 2 meets your expectations!

And I completely agree. The artists did a fantastic job bringing all my characters to life! I'm really happy with how everything has turned out~

So can someone tell me who this mysterious necromancer girl is,and how is she related to mc?She seems to know him,but he doesn't know her...

And part 3 is worth waiting for and when?

After Chapter Two is fully completed! This is just a demo--a small taste of what's to come for the full game!

Wow!So this is just the beginning?)

Yup yup! Barely scratching the surface of what Chapter Two will offer!

(1 edit)

I've done playing the chapter one days ago then,I was about to download the chapter yet I saw that it's not playable on android.That's kinda sad,If I can play it using android that would be awesome.

Heya there,

At the present moment in time no android port is planned, as I need to focus on finishing the main version first. But once I've got that out, I could potentially start looking at other ports!

can't wait for the release ! Take You're time FrostWorks take some breaks and dont pressure yourself, you got this!

Is this available on android?


Not currently, unfortunately!

Though once Chapter 2 is fully completed, and if there was a demand for it--I could definitely explore mobile versions!

How much longer do you think until release?

Heyo, I have a large alpha update coming out soon for patrons that covers a significant part of the story, along with more h-events. So while the full game isn't quite out yet, a large chunk of it has been coming along nicely!

I apologise for the grueling wait--and understand that this has been quite an unreasonable development time for a visual novel of all things. I'll be forging on ahead in the coming months to try and get things out as soon as I can!

Hello. I am having trouble playing when I try to play a game that comes out to me(Quest Failed - Chapter Two - Demo.exe error) _Sorry if my english is bad_


I'm sorry to hear you're having issues launching the demo! I'll do my best to help and try to solve the issue! To be sure--you've unzipped the contents of the folder and are launching the .exe from the unzipped folder, correct? And are running on WIndows?

Also, if possible, could you printscreen/take a picture of the exact error message you're getting? It will help me to find out the source of the issue much faster and get you playing the game as quick as I can!

(2 edits)

Thank you!

I've seen a similar error message before--though not this exact one. And just to cross off any possibilities: are you running the exe within the original folder you extracted it in? Since the exe won't work if it's moved away from the main folders.

Edit: I was able to replicate the exact error and confirm that this issue comes up if you attempt to launch the exe without the other files alongside it!

When you extract the zip folder, avoid moving or deleting any of the files there and try launching the .exe from that spot.

If you wish to create a shortcut to put on your desktop, etc.--don't move the .exe itself. Instead, right click the exe and select 'create shortcut', and then you can move that one safely around!

How soon do you think until full release? Another post said it would be early 2020, so how early? Like this month? 3 months? 5?

What's the sitch?



At the moment I'm trying to avoid cursing myself with any promises, since I already goofed up hard with the early access stuff that didn't come to be in the end. Not this month--but beyond that there's too many variables up in the air to discern when everything else will come together.

I understand that it's an incredibly vague answer, and I apologise, but I feel it's better if I try to avoid hyping up for anything until I'm absolutely sure there's a release in sight. Dx

I understand. I helped some friends make a video game a long time ago and although not a management position(I did translation, Japanese/french to English but not anymore tho) I understand the pressure completely. Sorry about asking so much, but i'm just eager to see this done. 

PS: Will there be a steam release?

No worries--I'm just glad to see there's still interest in the game being completed, even after I've taken so long, haha. It really is encouraging!

Steam release is difficult to say. In a perfect world I've love to release it on there--but the adult game space seems incredibly shaky on there. and I wouldn't want to get in any trouble or find my game removed if it ended up breaking one of the rules that surround NSFW games there. Since some games release as they are and pass by fine, others release with a patch that can be applied, and others seem to get taken down with vague explanations as to why. It's a bit scary, really and I'd hate to waste time and resources getting everyone on Steam only for that to happen. Dx


any kind of eta?



After a lot of thinking on the matter, I've ended up deciding not to move forward with the early access plans, as I think I was potentially rushing myself into an incredibly bad decision on that matter and feel it wouldn't have represented the experience in the way I had desired. I want everyone's first experience with Chapter Two to be something special, and not an early access, incomplete build with brick walls everywhere that limit progress and choice, and might sour peoples opinion on the game before they've even had a chance to experience the full thing. When I release it fully, I want it to be a big, special event to celebrate and to garner hype, rather than releasing something that might fall flat in the eyes of people hoping for the full adventure.

Unfortunately I understand that this is probably not the answer that people want to hear after I spent so long hyping up and promising the early access build as a thing to look forward to at the end of the year and that this decision may upset some, but I feel it's the best way to move forward with things to get out a game of the quality it deserves.

I was incredibly short-sighted with my early-access plans, and they definitely don't suit a visual novel of all games. I apologise for going back on this.

I'll be instead focusing my efforts on alpha builds as I build towards the full release of Chapter Two--of which I have no current ETA for at this time.


Thank you for the update. You are working very hard, and we all can definitely acknowledge the amazing efforts you are putting into the game. Take all the time you need. You're awesome; and the game I know will be incredible when it gets released. No need to rush. The first game was a masterpiece, and I am sure the second will equally be  a masterpiece! Keep up the amazing work! 

Also, an early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Ahh, thank you--I really appreciate your patience and understanding on the matter. I truly do want this to be the best experience possible right from the get-go, so want to avoid taking any shortcuts or rushing any sloppy products out. I understand that the wait has been long--and possibly painful--but I'm incredibly proud of what I have so far, and think the full game will really be worth it!

And a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well!

(1 edit)

Does this mean we won't be getting that big Christmas preview?


Thanks for keeping us updated. Might there be any holiday specials in the upcoming release? I'm greedy I know, but I really enjoyed the previous ones.


Sadly there'll be no holiday specials as I haven't had the time or resources to work on them while busy with Chapter Two--but once things die down a little I might be able to manage something as a video like before, and then add it directly into the game via a patch!

I suppose the closest thing that could be included would be the Halloween one I did last year, though that's very small and very silly compared to the others, haha.

Hey where is that end of year demo I heard about? Is it free or do I need to pay for it?


The end of year release will be a little closer to the end of the year, if not a little over that estimate! And it'll be paid, as it's essentially an early release of the full game, rather than a demo!

Out of curiousity, upon release of the early-access version (paid version); will the future updates/patches be part of that paid package? or will it be a seperate cost later on?



If you buy the early access release you'll be entitled to all of the future updates for free as the rest of the game is built upon and finished, since this is treated as a sort of soft launch of the whole game.

Oh, awesome! Definitely look forward to it! Thank you,

I know this might sound stupid and all but is there any chance of quest failed and quest failed 2 releasing on android .I am a big fan of your work and its just awesome there aren't many games with such good storyline and quality.

And please I don't want to offend you in anyway if my comment seamed offensive please ignore it and have a nice day.

Hiya there, no worries at all--it's a perfectly understandable question!

Right now my main focus is finishing Chapter Two and getting it released on Windows/Mac/Linux--but once I've had the chance to get that out and look at things, I can definitely consider looking at mobile ports! It's just that they might take a little extra work to make sure the UI compliments touchscreen controls and that everything has scaled nicely. Since I know the demand for a more portable version of QF is there, and I'd love to be able to release them if I could!

are there more games like this one where the queen is hot and sexy? 

(games which have scene's with a queen)


Hiya there!

While my knowledge of this particular thing is limited, the Kyonyuu Fantasy (Localised as Funbag Fantasy through Mangagamer) might be able to provide what you need, since while I haven't played the games personally--but plan to eventually--they seem to be fantasy focused and bound to have a Queen in them!

Additionally, you could search through the 'queen heroine' tag on VNDB and look for games that have English releases!

(1 edit)

thx man (if you’re a girl, i’m sorry for saying man)

My last comment might have seemed unmature but I honestly cant wait anymore I just LOVE this game. PLEASE tell me its going to be released before 2020



At this point all I can currently do is refer to my previous responses on the matter!

Namely that something will more than likely release before the end of the year, even if it isn't the full game. So keep a look out!

(1 edit)

Oh okay! btw if I sometimes type something REALLY stupid and a comment that makes no sense its just cause I cant wait anymore and im hyped ^^

I have a question. You said there would be a kind of beta releasing around the end of the year. Would this be exclusive to patrons or should I save my money for something else like buying the beta separately?

I haven't planned out the specifics just yet--but I do want to aim for a more wide-open public early access build on, just to get the game out there a bit more now that extensive work has been done on the current alphas over the years, since I feel like there's a lot of content still even if it's not complete yet.

Though this could all potentially change depending on what I feel is best! I'd say your best bet is to just keep an eye on twitter, etc. for when I start moving forward with it all and announcing solid plans.

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